TIPS - MS 365 - Use Focused Inbox

2. Use Focused Inbox

Does your workday start like this?

  1. Open your Outlook email inbox.
  2. Feel overwhelmed. Run and hide.

The Focused Inbox feature has replaced Clutter as the best way to filter your inbox. Fine-tuning your inbox keeps actionable items front and center, streamlining your email handling.  

Outlook separates your emails into two folders: Focused and Other. The emails you deem most important are filed into your Focused box. Mails sent to the Other box are still accessible, but take a back seat to Focused emails. Move emails from one box to the other by right-clicking on a message and selecting either “Move to Focused” or “Move to Other.” 

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Article ID: 8277
Wed 10/11/23 8:20 AM
Wed 10/11/23 8:20 AM