TIPS - Create Microsoft Planner task templates to copy tasks

task templates in Microsoft Planner

If the tasks you work on have a repetitive format, you may want to create task templates to save time on organizing your tasks.

As an example, if we use Planner to organize our marketing activities, be that content creation, social media, webinars, email campaigns, etc. We created a structure with a checklist that we follow for each task.

Then, we add a label to those tasks to easily understand which template to use. For example, we have such labels as Blog article, Website page, White paper, Webinar, Social media, etc.

We actively use buckets to structure our planning, and the very first bucket is dedicated to these ‘task templates’. Whenever you need to plan a new blog article, just choose the right task template and then copy it, name it accordingly, and move to the right bucket.

This will save you quite a bit of time on creating tasks from scratch and help your team to complete their assignments faster.

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Article ID: 8964
Thu 11/2/23 10:21 AM
Thu 11/2/23 10:21 AM