GIS and Accessibility


GIS and accessibility standards for products.


Esri is a pioneer in mapping and spatial analytics software, and they understand the responsibility to inclusivity, diversity, and equality throughout the ArcGIS system. They are committed to creating accessible products and services compatible with the latest assistive technologies that conform to current software accessibility standards and guidelines.  As a user and creator of products, apps, online content, and data, it is up to you to use the tools available to ensure your products are accessible to the City of Greeley's standards.  Please use the resources listed below to learn how to make your GIS products meet compliance with the current requirements.

OIT: Resources | Colorado Geospatial Portal

Esri: Accessibility Resources | Accessibility Standards & Guidelines (




Article ID: 7605
Thu 8/31/23 6:49 PM
Thu 8/31/23 6:49 PM