Migration to ArcGIS Pro


Migration to ArcGIS Pro - Review plans


The city will move all users to ArcGIS Pro on Sept 15th, 2023.

User Responsibility 

“In preparation for our transition to Enterprise 11 and the mandatory migration from ArcMap to ArcGIS Pro by September 15th, here are some additional considerations for our city GIS users:

  • Plan Ahead: Considering the deadline, start early. Don't wait until the last minute to make the switch as you might need some time to adapt and address unforeseen challenges.
  • License Verification: If you have not yet opened ArcGIS Pro, you may find that you need a license assigned to you. IT can assist with license assignment.
  • Training & Resources: If you're new to ArcGIS Pro, take advantage of online Esri training resources. Sign up for the ArcGIS Pro Learning Lab as part of our GIS Day celebrations.
  • Update Extensions and Custom Tools: If you've been using specific extensions or custom-built tools in ArcMap, check for their compatibility with ArcGIS Pro or search for alternatives.
  • Check Third-Party Integrations: If you have any third-party software or databases integrated with ArcMap, verify if they will seamlessly work with ArcGIS Pro.

Please reach out if you have specific concerns or need assistance with any of the above points. Our goal is to ensure a smooth and efficient migration for all our GIS users. Once you start using ArcGIS Pro, please provide feedback. This helps us troubleshoot issues and make the overall transition smoother for everyone.” – Chris Reigle

Finally, we will be hosting an ArcGIS Pro Learning Lab for employees on November 13th. Space is limited to 20 attendees. In order to make this a success, we need to know your specific challenges with ArcGIS Pro in advance. Sign up with your questions here.



Article ID: 7615
Fri 9/1/23 11:59 AM
Fri 9/1/23 11:59 AM