TIPS - Excel Shortcut Keys


Great Excel Shortcut Keys


Great Excel Shortcut Keys

Great Excel Shortcut Keys

Excel, like any great software, has many excellent keyboard shortcuts. Here are some of the best.

Ctrl+; —Inserts today's date.
Ctrl+Shift+:—Inserts the current time (the colon is what is in a clock reading, like 12:00).
Ctrl+Shift+#—Changes the format of a date.
Ctrl+5—Applies a strike-through to the text in a cell.
Ctrl+0— Hides the current column.
Ctrl+9—Hides the current row.
Ctrl+F6—Switches between open workbooks (that is, open Excel files in different windows).
Ctrl+`—That's the accent mark, up by the 1 key. This combo toggles the view in the sheet to show all the formulas.
Ctrl+PageUp or PageDown—Quick shift between the sheets in the currently open workbook.
F2—Start editing the current selected cell (much faster than double-clicking).
Shift+F10—Opens the right-click menu for the cell you're in.



Article ID: 8615
Wed 10/18/23 10:28 AM
Wed 10/18/23 10:28 AM