C&E Project Request

Use the C&E Project Request to submit tickets for communication and/or engagement plans as well as employee communication support. Use this ticket to also request work that is not tied to a larger project (graphics, news release, survey review, translation) or one of our other services (Digital Communications, Social Media, or Web Content). 

The more details we receive, the better prepared we are to assess your needs, help you meet your desired outcome, and move your project forward. If you aren’t sure where to start, a team member will meet with you to discuss your objectives and formulate a plan to help you achieve your desired outcomes.

If appropriate, a Communication Specialist will work directly with you to determine the best approach, tools and content needed to reach your goals. The Communication Specialist will use this plan to request work from the C&E team on your behalf.

The Communication Specialist will continue to work with you and the C&E team to compile any content and/or elements such as photos and graphics necessary to accomplish the tactics of your plan.

The Communication Specialist will manage the tasks within the project to ensure that deadlines are met, and deliverables meet your expectations.

Requesting Support

The following tables indicate the timeframes and expectations for different deliverables provided by C&E. These expectations emphasize the need for developing annual plans and rigor for the follow-up to provide the necessary materials for the project (copy, graphics, logos, etc.). 
Several factors may impact these timelines, including the level of complexity, current and emerging workloads, evolving specifications and the approvals required. C&E will make every effort to work closely with city departments to develop and communicate realistic timetables for specific department projects. 


Campaign Plan Consultation 

Client request consultation = 12 weeks (15 weeks if includes video) 

Hold consultation within 5 days 

Plan developed and delivered to client = 7 days 

Client approves plan and timelines = 3 days 



Client Request  

First Draft 

Client Review 

Final Draft from C&E  


WEEKS in advance 

DAYS in advance  
(clock starts when client submits copy / artwork) 

News Release 

1 week 

3 days 

2 days 

1 day 

News Releases are approved and distributed based on the impact and necessity of the content. A week’s lead-time increases flexibility in the editorial calendar.  

Blog Article 

2 weeks 

5 days 

3 days 

2 days 

C&E recognizes that this is another tactic for marketing communication that will enhance search-ability of our site(s) and content. 

Social Media 

Coordinated to deliver as part of larger campaign or news release, but no less than timeframes for News Release. See “Exception Criteria” below for unique engaging opportunities. 

When part of a larger campaign, timelines are developed and agreed to as part of the plan. 

Video – A (just come shoot our event) 

5 weeks 

Coordinated to deliver as part of larger campaign. 

When part of a larger campaign, timelines are developed and agreed to as part of the plan. 

Video – B  
(scripted / storyboard) 

12 weeks 

C&E will hold a video consultation with the department and assigned Comm. Specialist within 5 business days. 

Video production is a lengthy, multi-step process that likely includes pre-production planning, multiple shoots and post-production. 



Employee Communication  

Non-urgent citywide announcements: Client request 2 weeks, First Draft 7 days, Client Review 2 days, Final Draft 1 day 


Sub-website restructure or sub-website build 
*These are pages that reside within/under a department, i.e.,  Conservation under W&S, Code Update under Planning and Zoning 

  • Client requests consultation via the service desk 
  • Consultation scheduled within 5 days of the request 
  • Plan and timeline for build developed and delivered to client after discussions with manager regarding the scope of project and existing work in queue.  
  • Web developer begins wireframing page while client begins gathering and submitting content 
  • Additional C&E tasks are assigned within project card in service desk (i.e. graphic creation, content review with a CS) 
  • Time frame TBD based on priority work in queue.  

*All timeframes are dependent on collaborators and C&E staff meeting necessary timeframes.  

Web Page Builds – Template or layout currently exists 

  • Webmaster will set up meeting with client after receiving ticket in service desk. 
  • Timeline will be determined by scope of build and projects in queue. 

A general timeframe would be to allow 2 weeks from submission of final, approved content. 

Web Page Updates (medium-large) 

*May require conversation with client to clarify request 

  • Deletion of a major section of content 
  • Major text changes involving several paragraphs or more 

Allow 10-15 business days from ticket submission 

Web Page Updates (minor) 

Examples of updates include: 

  • Upload a document or image 
  • Minor text changes 
  • Broken link 
  • Posting a public notice 

Allow 4 days from ticket submission 

While the web developer typically tries to allow 30 minutes a day to tackle minor updates, this is not always possible.  

Graphic Design 

*Outsourced printing requires an additional 2 weeks.Translations require 2 weeks. Timeline should be adjusted for delivery date, not event date (posters hung in advance of event, etc.). 

Strategic Support (typically coordinated as part of a larger campaign) 


These requests require multiple deliverables. Client may request a consultation with the designer via the service desk or the communication specialist may request the designer participate in a project meeting with the client. 
Examples include  

  • Annual or end-of-year reports, campaign brochures 
  • Video graphics (budget video),  
  • “Signature” event projects
  • Strategic council initiatives 


Timeline will be determined after a meeting to determine complexity of ask. Allow a minimum of 6 weeks from delivery of final, approved content and/or specs 

Mid-Level Support (typically a smaller event or project that is part of an annual plan or department priority) 


Examples may include a request for collateral development on a smaller-scale project or event that results in multiple deliverables such as 

  • Flyer 
  • Advertisements (digital or print) 
  • animated social reel 
  • web graphics
  • brochure 

Allow 4 weeks from final, approved content 

Graphic Updates or recurring programs/classes 

Examples may include  

  • Flyer 
  • Social graphic 
  • REACH screen or GTV8 infoboard 
  • Intro/outros for videos 


Allow 3 weeks from request 


Exception Criteria (exceptions made at the time of request / intake): 

  1. Crisis communication and unforeseen events (determination made by EOC and/or C&E Director / Manager) 
  1. Unique opportunities that may impact the community and/or build engagement or excitement with the community where we need to communicate awareness.  (determination made by C&E Director / Manager) 
    C&E ability to expedite work is reliant on client ability to provide content, review and approve deliverables. 
  1. Newsletter and other outlined processes will continue to follow the established timeframes and actions. 
  1. Development of web accessible deliverables may require additional time. As we become more familiar with accessibility compliance standards, time frames will be easier to predict. 
Submit Ticket


Service ID: 3444
Thu 3/16/23 2:50 PM
Mon 7/17/23 12:16 PM