TIPS - Excel Shortcut Keys

Great Excel Shortcut Keys

Great Excel Shortcut Keys

Excel, like any great software, has many excellent keyboard shortcuts. Here are some of the best.

Ctrl+; —Inserts today's date.
Ctrl+Shift+:—Inserts the current time (the colon is what is in a clock reading, like 12:00).
Ctrl+Shift+#—Changes the format of a date.
Ctrl+5—Applies a strike-through to the text in a cell.
Ctrl+0— Hides the current column.
Ctrl+9—Hides the current row.
Ctrl+F6—Switches between open workbooks (that is, open Excel files in different windows).
Ctrl+`—That's the accent mark, up by the 1 key. This combo toggles the view in the sheet to show all the formulas.
Ctrl+PageUp or PageDown—Quick shift between the sheets in the currently open workbook.
F2—Start editing the current selected cell (much faster than double-clicking).
Shift+F10—Opens the right-click menu for the cell you're in.

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Article ID: 8615
Wed 10/18/23 7:28 AM
Wed 10/18/23 7:28 AM