Training Materials for Microsoft M365 - Calendar

Articles (13)

Pinned Article MS Calendar Overview

Training Materials for MS Calendar

TIPS - Add several time zones to your Calendar

Add several time zones to your Calendar

TIPS - Auto-Decline Conflicting Events

Auto-Decline Conflicting Events

TIPS - Calendar - Create a Board

Create a Board with a customizable canvas where various widgets can be added, positioned and sized as desired

TIPS - Calendar - Dark Mode

Turn on Dark Mode for your calendar

TIPS - Change Timescale

Change Timescale

TIPS - Color-code your Calendar

Color-code your Calendar

TIPS - Display your working hours and days

Display your working hours and days so people can schedule meetings when you are available.

TIPS - Drag and drop tasks to your Calendar

Drag and drop tasks to your Calendar

TIPS - Receive daily agenda emails in your inbox

Receive daily agenda emails in your inbox

TIPS - Schedule automatic breaks between meetings

Schedule automatic breaks between meetings so you have time to write down important information.

TIPS - The 'Go To Date' Keyboard Shortcut

The 'Go To Date' Keyboard Shortcut

TIPS - Use description templates when creating events

Use description templates when creating events